Liberty Mutual is a US-based insurer with a range of products.
Audience: B2C
Type: Hub: Content that is consistently produced and captures the audience’s attention and engages through relevancy.
Campaign Title: MasterThis

What It Is
In a bid to boost engagement among a segment of customers who were looking to switch to another insurer, Liberty Mutual created MasterThis. The hub, which features MasterKits that coach readers through a number of topics like increasing a home's value, was developed during the discovery phase of developing their user personas, which found customers largely trust themselves to get important jobs done.
Each MasterKit (or topic) contains a variety of informational assets, including articles, listicles, infographics and videos. The campaign worked wonders, increasing time on site by 800 percent and leading three out of every four readers to recommend MasterThis to a friend.
Why We Like It
Liberty Mutual follows the content marketing blueprint to a T with MasterThis. The company identified that it lacks engagement with its customers and that they largely rely on themselves for home and self-improvement. Liberty Mutual bridged the gap by being a partner in empowering their customers to better handle their challenges in life.
How We’d Add To It
Liberty Mutual did a fantastic job and executed their strategy to near perfection. The only suggestion we would make is to host MasterThis on its own domain, rather than a subdomain. In the best-case scenario, this would drive more traffic and ideally boost lead generation via the content.
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