Resources | 256

Outreach’s Resources

Written by 256 | Mar 3, 2020 12:00:00 AM

Outreach is a sales engagement platform provider that operates out of the US.

Audience: B2B

Type: Hub: Content that is consistently produced and captures the audience’s attention and engages through relevancy.

Campaign Title: Outreach’s Resources

What It Is

The sales community is ravenous for content and Outreach, a sales engagement platform provider, sates their hunger with its vast amount of resources. Split up into three categories - Learn, Attend and Customers - Outreach offers blogs, podcasts, webinars, its own university for its software, a flagship event and owns the Sales Hacker website.

Similar to how HubSpot has become one of the foremost names in marketing, Outreach has asserted itself as a leader in its own right through the sheer volume of valuable content it produces. By creating a hub that produces a wide variety of assets, the company is able to reach customers and potential clients through an array of channels.

Why We Like It

There are a few industries in which audiences take especially well to content marketing and the sales profession is one of them.

Outreach goes above and beyond simply writing the usual blogs by incorporating the Unleash event, the Sales Hacker community and a host of podcasts and webinars into its marketing agenda.

How We’d Add To It

Sales is an interactive industry at heart and Outreach's sales engagement platform only promotes that quality.

It was surprising to see that the resources section is pretty devoid of any interactive assets that could help readers grow their skills or learn more about the platform. We think the right tools would perform well here.