Resources | 256

SoulCycle: Learning Centre

Written by 256 | Mar 10, 2020 12:00:00 AM

SoulCycle is an American boutique fitness company that offers indoor cycling classes.

Audience: B2C

Type: Hygiene: Basic content like landing pages and FAQs that provide customers with answers to their questions.

Campaign Title: Learning Centre

What It Is

Fitness can be intimidating but for SoulCycle, a boutique indoor cycling chain, it wants the experience to be empowering. The trendy brand helps new customers quickly get up to speed with everything that's involved with a SoulCycle class - from preparing for it to the ride itself - via its Learning Centre found under 'Our Studios' on its website.

The web page allows users to click through short and easy-to-read sections that include a mix of text, images and video to guide new users. Perhaps most useful are the videos showing the three positions that riders take on the bike throughout the class, letting new users practice so they don't feel intimidated when everyone is in sync during a live session.

Why We Like It

Hygiene content is meant to educate and inform and SoulCycle finds the perfect use for it in its learning centre.

Understanding that many of its customers are likely new to or beginners in fitness, it clears the air with educational content to address frequently asked questions. Its mix of text, images and video appeals to everyone.

How We’d Add To It

SoulCycle's learning centre is valuable but it's hidden within the website and might be difficult for new or prospective members to find.

We'd suggest using the COPE (Create Once Publish Everywhere) methodology and creating a content hub to store longer form assets similar to the content its learning centre has, but making it easier to find on the web.