Is Facebook Paper the new must-have tool in Irish Marketing?

Posted by Karen Hesse
February 12th, 2014
Irish marketing professionals will soon have a new addition to their content marketing toolkit with the launch of Facebook Paper, a standalone App for curating and sharing stories.
Many Irish brands have already invested heavily in building a following on Facebook. But Facebook moved the goalposts so that only 15% of a company's followers now get to see a post. The question for those who create, publish and manage brand content is whether Facebook's newest offering, Paper will be a worth a look.
What is Facebook Paper?
Facebook Paper lets you create your own ‘Paper’ by choosing story feeds from over 20 themed channels based on your interests. These channels include Cute, a must have for all those viral cat videos we love to share, Pop Life, for celeb news, Score, for sports stories and Ideas, featuring a different intellectual theme each day.
The channels are populated by stories from trusted sources like the New York Times as well as lesser known bloggers and content creators. You can also share your own stories and those of your friends.
To find out more by reading Facebook’s blog post introducing Paper here.
Facebook Paper Features
The app features fullscreen autoplay video and you can tilt your phone to view panoramic photos. Have sneak peek at Facebook’s video of the App in action.
At the moment Facebook Paper is available only for US based iPhone users and a release date for Ireland hasn’t been announced. However, 256 Media is already using the App and is giving it a thumbs up as well worth a try for anyone involved in content creation and curation.
If you want to know how to download the App to your Irish iPhone before its official release read our step by step guide here.
Want to use your blog to generate leads and customers?
If you’re a brand looking to get smart about content marketing, get in touch with our award-winning team at 256 Media and we can help. In the meantime, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest to keep up with all things content and digital media.

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